Life in the new normal

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For those of you who don’t know me I am Debbie Creagh, psychic medium, spiritual guru and healer. Because 2020 has been such a spiritual and emotional challenge, I felt it was necessary to be more connected as we all need extra comfort and guidance at this time. In my new series of blogs “ Life in the new normal” I will share ways to spiritually navigate your way through these different circumstances and to keep ‘your happy’
Let’s be honest, the old normal really wasn’t working for us anyway. We are being invited to look at the world through a new paradigm, a different lens, as we awaken and shift into new better versions of ourselves. We are going through a time of spiritual awakening, shifting from autopilot into living mindfully and consciously. Our approach to how we manage and process what is happening, and the language we use to express it play a big part in how we forge ahead to lead more fulfilling lives. Our faith is being challenged and we are becoming more self aware, which is a necessary part of our evolution. We are no longer filtering everything through old belief systems which or being held hostage by our past.  We are really ‘waking up’ and becoming conscious, questioning our purpose, feeling a strong urge to change the way we live our lives striving to to reach our fullest potential.
I recently came in contact with the client who was fed up with her old way of existence in the old normal. She needed a ‘spiritual awakening’ and wanted the full “super duper deluxe” package. She demanded “DEBNOTHERAPY!”
She was so determined to leave her toxic past behind she selected meditation, Mediumship,Tarot reading, Aura Reading, Timeline Therapy, Interactive hypnotherapy, Reiki, Life Coaching, Ribbon reading, and psychic development. We had purging and protection ceremonies, complete with useful protection techniques for her future, how to attract positivity, and Crystal Therapy. She left feeling as light as a feather ready to walk in her new destiny! She left elated, and from top to bottom, she got “Debbified!

Commit to Your Healing

You aren't meant to feel sad, exhausted, depressed, disconnected, and anxious. The Universe is asking for you to *listen* to the messages around you to find alignment, healing, and wellness. Work with Debbie Creagh today to shift into more flow and begin living your best life.

Ready to step into alignment?