Hypnotherapy Sessions

Online & In-Person

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Identify the root cause of your problem(s), and move forward.


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Interactive Hypnotherapy is a very unique and the most advanced form of hypnotherapy. Used in the therapeutic setting, Interactive hypnosis helps clients explore the root causes of their problem rather than dealing with the symptoms.. Hypnotherapy facilitates change in our lives in one of the most lovable, gentle, compassionate ways. It allows us to create a more happy, positive, optimistic life where goals can be achieved and we can live our best lives. 

What happens in a hypnotherapy session?

When a good rapport is established between the client and the hypnotherapist and the process is explained clearly, any fears or misunderstandings of the subject are alleviated.  All hypnosis is self-hypnosis. The conscious mind is suppressed and the subconscious mind is revealed where seeds of positive change can be planted. These suggestions help people make positive changes within themselves.  Ideas, concepts and lifestyle adaptations can be suggested, the seeds of which become firmly planted for your benefit. The session is very empowering for those seeking more fulfilling lives.

How do I get the best from my hypnotherapy session?

Really explore what it is you are looking to change in your life.  Then you must truly want to eliminate that fear, phobia, emotion etc. from your life that is holding you back.  All the resources for healing exists within the recesses of the subconscious mind of each individual. Having intention to let go of that guarantees a successful outcome.

Interactive Hypnotherapy

An Interactive Hypnotherapy session is one of the most compassionate and gentle ways to facilitate positive change in your behavior and life!

This advanced form of hypnotherapy explores the root causes of a problem.  Through guided imagery and positive suggestion, a state of enhanced awareness and concentration is created to enable subconscious mind to become unlocked, allowing the resources within to be accessed.

With the willingness to let go, all issues that have been holding one back, can be effortlessly eradicated and positive nurturing seeds can be planted to transform your way of experiencing the world.

Past-Life Regression

Take a journey back through the doors of time to unlock lessons from previous lives and discover who you were. Through past life regression one can clear old energy, heal and release old fears and send forgiveness to where it’s needed.  Observing and identifying similar life and karmic patterns and lessons helps us gain a deeper understanding of who we are so that the wisdom and guidance gained can be applied to the current lifetime and situations.

Inner Child Hypnotherapy

Inner child hypnotherapy is specialized therapy that creates a dialogue between the ‘inner child’ at an unconscious level and the adult self at a conscious level to heal childhood trauma, remove fears and negative limiting beliefs and eradicate habits that have been holding the adult self back.  As children we create and internalize certain beliefs about ourselves based on our experiences and environment that live in the subconscious mind. The healed inner child can then be reintegrated with the adult to create feelings of understanding, safety, love and reassurance.

Stop Smoking Hypnotherapy

When the smoker is ready to quit, hypnotherapy is a very effective option to kick the habit for good!  In this customized hypnotherapy session, unconscious motivations and triggers for smoking are addressed and negative behaviors and thought patterns associated with smoking are broken down. 

By tapping into the subconscious mind cravings and impulses to smoke are shut down and suggestions are made so that smoking is no longer perceived as something pleasurable.  New conclusions about smoking are formed, and a new mindset is developed.  The new way of life as a non-smoker are planted within the subconscious mind creating a positive new perspective to a brand new life!

What Clients are Saying…

“I traveled from Australia to specifically visit Debbie. I booked an interactive hypnosis session and found the results to be great. It’s only been a few days but I feel like a weight has been lifted from my shoulders and all of my negative programmings has been released. I would recommend this service to anyone struggling to achieve their goals or feeling like they are stuck in a rut. Thanks again Debbie x” 

Tegan, Australia

“Truly phenomenal. I have given and received Reiki and Transference Healing but nothing goes like Hypnotherapy with Debbie. It shifts you inside out. It heals you inside out without having to go into long discussions. I remembered how divinely whole I already am and left with a deep lasting peace and stillness that I’ve never had before. It shakes all that is not true out and magnifies the light within. Thank you Debbie.”

Chelita, Thailand

“Debbie is extremely professional in her approach to both Reiki and Hypnotherapy. Her intuitiveness is off the chart so she knows exactly how to adapt to individual personalities. I went to see Debbie after coming out of a relationship. The relationship had ended through faults of my own and the fact that I didn’t understand it all worried me for the future. So I bit the bullet.  I can’t believe how much Debbie’s techniques helped expose issues that were buried deep on a subconscious level that were sabotaging my relationships. Since my sessions with her, I have become immersed in personal development and self-mastery. Debbie has been both supportive and motivating throughout the process and I wouldn’t be where I am today without her. One word of advice, don’t give her BS…she can see right through it!! Thanks, Debbie!” 

Andrew G.

Commit to Your Healing

You aren't meant to feel sad, exhausted, depressed, disconnected, and anxious. The Universe is asking for you to *listen* to the messages around you to find alignment, healing, and wellness. Work with Debbie Creagh today to shift into more flow and begin living your best life.

Ready to step into alignment?